Episode 53: Geek Discussion: Hong Kong Protests, Blizzard Entertainment, & Cancel Culture

Geek Herring discusses a politically hot topic this week, giving an overview and our insights into Hearthstone streamer, Blitzchung’s statement during the GrandMasters about the Hong Kong protests. Blizzard had made what seemed like a snap decision to delete the entire VOD of the stream, remove Blitzchung from the GrandMasters, revoke his prize money, and ban both him and the two casters from Blizzard eSports for a year.

We’re joined by Thom from Three Extra Lives and Jonathan from all sorts of podcasts, two people we love and respect in the Blizzard content creation community. Together, we’re taking an objective look at this whole situation – right from the start.

  • What’s actually happening in Hong Kong?
  • What did Blitzchung actually say?
  • Blizzard Entertainment did what!?
  • The community backlash that shook the video game world
  • What Blizzard did to remedy the situation
  • How this relates to cancel culture
  • And lots more!

While we do go into what’s going on in this situation in brief detail, this episode of Geek Herring mainly revolves around our thoughts, opinions, and how we can all move forward in this new era of partial censorship.

You can find links to all sorts of news stories and coverage of this event:

What do you think about everything that’s going? Has this level of censorship and cancel culture gone to far? Let us know in the comments of wherever you see this episode!

You can find more information about Thom and Three Extra Lives
Online | Twitter | Instagram | Twitch

You can find more information about Jonathan and All His Podcasts
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Geekily yours,
Amanda & Monika

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