Episode 64: Geek Interview: Smart is the New Sexy with Kate Wiswell

If you’ve ever felt like the odd one out, seen mathematical sequences that help you understand life, know you’re destined for more, or are ready, or already, to embrace your absolute nerdy self – this episode is for YOU. Kate Wiswell, author of Full Frontal Nerdity, joins us to talk about embracing your inner nerd, letting your smart girl out to play, and being unapologetically yourself!

Kate is a mathematician and logician turned comedy writer living in LA who has figured out that you don’t have to hide any part of yourself in order to be happy and successful. In fact, for Kate, it was only once she embraced and loved both sides of herself, as an analytical nerd and comedic writing genius.

Kate’s recent memoir, Full Frontal Nerdity, is a collection of essays she’s written over the years. From using math formulas to help figure out who your soul mate is to sharing her absolute LOVE of gingers (we TOTALLY get it) to the rampant misogyny present in Hollywood and more, we guarantee you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll commiserate with her words. Could this be one of the realest and funniest books we’ve ever read? IT’S LIKELY, YO.

If you get one thing out of this interview, it’s how honest, down-to-earth, and freaking hilarious Kate is. Pretty sure we’re best friends for life, now!

You can buy Full Frontal Nerdity wherever you normally get your books, or right here on Amazon for all that ease.

Buy it. Love it. Share it with your friends!

You can find Kate

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Geekily yours,
Amanda & Monika

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