Episode 77: Geek Herring & Chill: Gettin’ Cheesy With It

In this episode of Geek Herring & Chill, Monika and Amanda are getting all down with their vulnerable selves using a card game one of Amanda’s clients gifted her! This is the first episode recorded LIVE on TWITCH! And it’s DEEEEEP, friends.

Let’s play a game!

Ask Deep Questions is a card game that consists of 48 thoughtful questions that go below the surface to create meaningful connections with ANYONE.

Honestly, this was the most fun we’ve had recording together in a long time! Not that we don’t enjoy the topics we normally talk about, but getting to ask each other these deep AF questions and learn more about each other was super interesting.

We had a LOT of laughs, some himming and humming (LOOKING AT YOU, AMANDA!), and a few moments getting totes emosh, all while sharing our answers LIVE with our Twitch audience!

So if you want to know our answers to some of these questions:

  • How do you fix a broken heart?
  • What is something you’re struggling with in your relationships?
  • What do you value most in friendship?
  • When should you quit?
  • What is something you’ve always wanted to learn?
  • When have you felt one of the biggest adrenaline rushes in your life?
  • AND MORE!???!!!

Then this episode of Geek Herring & Chill is for YOU. Get to know your Geek Herring hosts better than you ever have before.

Oh – and we will ABSOLUTLEY being doing this live on Twitch again, so make sure you follow us! Every Tuesday at 7pm UK time. See you there!

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Geekily yours,
Amanda & Monika

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