Episode 70: Geek Discussion: The Hogwarts Problem with Lark & Jessie from The Gayly Prophet

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past year (hey, no judgement – the world’s a hard place right now!), you’ve definitely witnessed J.K. Rowling tumble from her throne. We’re pretty sure she’s living in a place of hatred and judgement right now. We’re joined by Lark and Jessie from The Gayly Prophet to talk about The Hogwarts Problem and how we can still appreciate our magical home without giving its creator another penny of our hard-earned money.

As the hosts of the queer and intersectional Harry Potter podcast you’ve always wanted – trust us, you’ve always wanted this, it’s badass – Lark and Jessie set the record straight on what it means to be queer and trans and still in love with Harry Potter.

Because when its creator comes out with Tweets that make you and your peers feel unwelcome at Hogwarts, you have a few choices:

1. Ignore it. She’s JK Fucking Rowling and can do whatever she wants. She is your queen.

2. Sulk because you’ve been kicked out of your fancy magic school.

Or, and our personal fave:

3. Reclaim Hogwarts. Hogwarts is YOUR HOME.

Yeah, sure, J.K. created it, but we’ve all made it what it is. It’s been in most of our hearts for over 20 years. We’ve been roaming these halls for most of our lives. Let’s face it – they don’t belong to her anymore.

So here’s some practical advice on how we can still feel at home in our magical castle! HINT: You never have to give a penny to J.K. ever again. That’s right, delete alllll your official apps and accounts, buy your books from used book stores (or even better, from The Second Shelf books in London who give the profit of all their HP book sales to Mermaids – a charity helping gender-diverse kids, young people, and their fams), and SUPPORT INDEPENDENT ARTISTS who, let’s face it, make WAY COOLER HP merch than WB do.

We also talk about how to REALLY find out what your Hogwarts house is – because the Pottermore “test” is, well, shit.

Oh, and did you know that Ron is a misogynist?

Find out ALL the hot Hogwarts goss in this ep.

How do you feel? We’re here for you ????

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Geekily yours,
Amanda & Monika


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