Episode 112: Geek Discussion: Imposter Syndrome in the Age of Experts

Imposter syndrome sucks. But, honestly, most of us have or have had it at one point or another.

Not sure what imposter syndrome is? #1 lucky you! #2: Imposter syndrome is essentially the feeling that you don’t know enough/aren’t good enough/aren’t -insert whatever here- enough to be doing what you’re doing. And it’s so, so real.

What we discovered through recording this episode is that it’s usually the people who don’t need to feel like imposters who suffer from this. The overly confident and outspoken folks are usuuuually the ones who could use a bit of a pause before charging full steam ahead.

We talk about some actionable tips for how to overcome imposter syndrome. What it looks like for us, how and where it shows up in our lives, and so, so much more.

If you do find that you’re someone who succumbs to imposter syndrome, we just want you to know that you’re not alone. And it does get better.

We’d love if you shared your experiences on Twitter, Instagram, or in our Discord server!!

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Amanda & Monika

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