Episode 122: Geek Discussion: Our Break-Up with the Wizarding World

In one of our most emotional episodes to date, we talk about why we can no longer support the Harry Potter franchise because of JK Rowling’s hateful transphobic agenda. This is our explanation and our break-up.

This episode is emotional, heartfelt, and raw. We cry, we rant, we talk about why it’s more important to support and love our trans friends and trans rights than to continue pouring love into a franchise that doesn’t love everyone.

It’s no longer a safe haven.
It’s no longer a place you can be yourself.

If you’re breaking up with the Wizarding World, too, we understand what you’re going through.

If you’re trans and you’re feeling justifiably attacked by Rowling’s vitriol, you are valid, you are loved, and you are always welcome with us.

This episode is conveniently coming out during Trans Visibility Week. We stand with you yesterday, now, and always. Trans rights are human rights. Trans women are women. Trans men are men.

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Geekily yours,
Amanda & Monika

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