Episode 67: Geek Girl in the News: Saying no to dick pics, Raising The Game, & The Witcher 2!

Geek Girl in the News looks at the awesome or not so awesome news that will make you go either: “YAY” or “OMG I can’t believe that.”

The latest and greatest geek girl news from February 2020 covers the incredible new Twitter extension that blocks dick pics ??, the shockingly (not shockingly) male-dominated UK games industry, the female gaze coming in hot to Hollywood, Battinson’s new look revelations, and all the hype about The Witcher 2!

A report has been released about the UK games industry that shows some pretty sad statistics for women in games. To all the men out there who say that women are rep’d just fine, how the heck is 28% of a workforce a good representation of women?? Get a mitt and get in the game, dudes! The good news is that there are organsations out there like #RaiseTheGame working hard to bring diversity and inclusion to the games industry. HELL YEAH!

Obviously, we all hate to get unsolicited dick pics. They are no bueno!! Thankfully, the incredible Kelsey Bressler developed a Twitter extension that lets you say BYE BYE to unwanted nude pics of a man (using the BBC lingo for that one because LOL). Kelsey, you have done us all an amazing service! We SALUTE YOU!

Have you ever thought about how films are made? And by who? And what the striking difference is between a movie directed and produced by men vs women is? WELL. It’s about damn time you start considering it and how the gender of the production team can totally change the movie’s vibe and even how women are portrayed. HELL YES to films being made for the female gaze. HERE. FOR. THEM.

We’re gushing about The Witcher 2 again! Production has started (thank you Henry Cavill’s Insta stories for being EVERYTHING WE NEED RIGHT NOW) and by the sounds of it, TW2 is going to be: EPIC. Some exciting and controversial (TW Hi sexual assault ?) storylines are coming up. But we’re super hopeful they’ll portray them sensitively and respectfully! We also speculate over who is going to play the role of Vesemir, Geralt’s mentor!

And, last but not least, Robert Pattinson’s Batman has finally been revealed. And the costume is… well. Interesting. We’re just gonna leave it like that so you click on the article and check it out for yourself. PLEASE TELL US WHAT YOU THINK!?? We’re 100% TORN.

What’s your take on these news articles?

In this episode of Geek Girl in the News, we covered these news stories:

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Geekily yours,
Amanda & Monika

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