Episode 97: Geek Girl in the News: Ruth Bader Ginsburg – May Her Memory Be a Revolution

Geek Girl in the News looks at the awesome or not so awesome news that will make you go either: “YAY” or “OMG I can’t believe that.”

The latest and greatest geek girl news from September 2020 covers the sad passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Trump’s awful nomination to the Supreme Court, the NFL making HERstory, Mike Morhaime’s new company: Dreamhaven, WandaVision, American Girl’s latest doll, and saying so long to the Nintendo 3DS.

While Monika’s off celebrating 10 years with her Weirdo, Thom from Three Extra Lives joins us to talk about this month’s news that matters.

We start this month’s episode by recognising and celebrating the incomparable Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who sadly passed away mid September. This is a tragic loss of a woman who has done more for women’s rights than anyone else, ever. Her death is a blow to a nation in crisis, but we honour her the only way we know how.

May her memory be a revolution.

Even in death, the Notorious RBG is making waves! She is not only the first woman, but the first Jewish person, to be lain in State. This is an honoured given to at least 30 men since the practice began in the 1800s.

Justice Ginsburg – thank you for your service. Thank you for your power. May you rest in power. We will fight in your memory.

And the fight’s just getting started. President Donald Trump has already nominated the SCOTUS replacement. Amy Coney Barrett is pretty well set up to take RBG’s place, a move that, if successful, will have a devastating impact on America, women, and human rights across the country.

Coney Barrett is anti-women, anti-lgbt rights, anti-abortion, pro-gun, pro-life (whatever that means to these Conservatives), and – oh. She’s basically a member of a cult that has a position called HANDMAIDEN.

Not only is this nomination straight up evil (according to Amanda’s mum – “that woman’s got evil in her eyes” – so we know it’s true), it’s unprecented… based on a precedent the Republican party set about 7 months before the end of Obama’s presidential run.

Hello pot? Kettle calling.

Oh, and let’s not forget your Geek Herring Call to Action: VOTE. Vote like your damn life depends on it!!!

But let’s move on to some happier stories!

The NFL made HERstory in September by having three female officials on the field at the same time. Both the Washington Football Team and the Cleveland Browns had female coaches and there was a female ref on the field. This is a fantastic and long overdue – a big excitement for the future of American Football!

This month also sees former Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime’s announcement of his new game development company, Dreamhaven. Um, excuse me while we fangirl all over the place, here. The announcement brings with it some BIG questions about the future of game development and we are HERE for it!

We also talk about the teaser trailer released for Marvel’s upcoming WandaVision. DAAAAAAAMN this looks good. No set release date that we can see, but holy hell it feels good to talk about some MCU news again!

Getting into nostalgic toys era now.

Can you EVEN with the new American Girl doll!? Courtney is an 80’s gamer girl through and fucking THROUGH. She comes with a Pac-Man arcade machine that actually works, all the neon you would ever want, and a Care Bears nightie. Her story describes her as the best gamer in the arcade (natch) and she decides to change how women are portrayed in game by learning to code.

Oh – and profits from Courtney’s sale go to Girls Who Code.

You in? Obvs.

Finally, we’re saying so long, farewell to the Nintendo 3DS. It’s been a long and favourable run, but we don our caps and see you off. Thanks for the fun and games!

What do YOU think about these news stories? We’d love your take! Let us know in the comments of wherever you see this episode!

In this episode of Geek Girl in the News, we covered these news stories:

You can find more information about Thom and Three Extra Lives

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Amanda & Monika

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