Episode 101: Geek Herring Reviews Enola F*cking Holmes!

Okay, but can we talk about Enola Holmes!? Of course we can, it’s Geek Herring! And this week, we are geeking the FUCK out of Enola Fucking Holmes.

This film is EVERYTHING.

(Okay, everything but super historically accurate but sure that’s okay!)

First things first – Enola Holmes has an all-star cast going for it. Millie Bobby Brown, Henry Cavill, Helena Bonham Carter, and Sam Claflin – yes, please! Talent exudes here.

Then we have Enola Holmes. Unconventional, badass, confident, intriguing, loving, mischievous, and all around incredible. She is a feminist ICON.

Seriously, Enola Holmes is absolute goals and we definitely wish we had film role models like this when we were growing up.

Is this movie perfect? Well, no. There’s a whole bunch of historical inaccuracies, a silly (yet cute) love story that is pretty unnecessary, and a few other disgruntling things. Our friend Mel wrote about what she didn’t like over on her blog!

But on the overall whole, Enola Holmes is fucking amazing and we think everyone should watch it! It follows Enola on her quest to find her mother who just disappeared. Turns out – she’s fighting for a women’s revolution! And it’s badass.

What do YOU think about Enola Holmes? Let us know in the comments!

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Amanda & Monika

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