Episode 118: Geek Girl Reviews The Queen’s Gambit

The Queen’s Gambit took Netflix by storm when it released in late 2020. Finally, something to distract us from the shitshow that was the worst year ever! It was smart, sassy, addictive, and made chess cool again.

Like, did you know that chess sales rose significantly because of how popular The Queen’s Gambit was?

Both of us absolutely loved this show. We thought the characters were perfect – and perfectly cast – and that the plot was intriguing and definitely captivating. We actually thought it was based on a true story, that’s how fab it was!

If you haven’t seen it yet, a little Cole’s Notes summary: We follow Beth Harmon after she’s been orphaned at 9 years old. She ends up at a very strict orphanage where she makes friends, gets hooked on focus drugs, and learns chess from Mr. Shaibel, the orphanage’s caretaker.

Beth is good good at chess. So good, she starts competing nearly right away! And we follow her career from orphanage, to adoption, to local competitions, to nationals, to world championships.

We love and hate the friends she makes along the way. We love and hate her adoptive mother.
Honestly there’s just so much about this show.

It’s incredible. It’s honest. It’s thrilling. It’s about friendship. It’s about family. It’s about addiction. It’s about loneliness. It’s about love. It’s about competition. It’s about chasing happiness.

We get deep into it in this episode. And end by saying: if you haven’t seen The Queen’s Gambit yet – what the hell are you waiting for!? Stop what you’re doing and go check it out right meow.

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Geekily yours,
Amanda & Monika


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