Episode 100: Geek Herring & Chill: Holy Forking Shirt! We’re 100 Years Old!

Amanda lost these notes after writing them, so this rewrite is definitely not going to be as good – but holy shitballs, y’all! We’re 100 episodes deep!

If you’d have told us 100 episodes ago that we’d still be here, creating geek feminist content week upon week, 100 episodes later, we would not have believed you.

Yet, here we are! 100 episodes deep, a growing Twitch channel, new book club, incredible Discord community, monthly challenges, and MORE. Woah.

You know what this really means? That this shit is WORTH IT. Every single minute we spend making Geek Herring and sharing it with our community is important, it matters, and it’s hella FUN.

We wouldn’t be here without you! Your support is incredible and we feel so loved – and also love YOU SO MUCH.

Join us for this 100 episode banterous celebratory shitshow! We say vibe WAY TOO MUCH, have all the laughts, reflect on what we’ve learned after 100 episodes, read out comments from our amazing community, share voice clips from Frazley and Thom, and have an all around joyful love fest.

Thank you so much for all your support for the last 100 episodes! Here’s to 100 more!

BY THE WAY. We rebranded and relaunched our Patreon! Check it out for all new tiers, rewards, and support options! Your financial support means the absolute world to us and lets us create even more incredible geek feminist content for you!

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Geekily yours,
Amanda & Monika


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