Episode 178: Geek Interview: The Power of Charity Streamers with Jay from War Child UK
Charity Twitch streamers have such a positive impact! In fact, it's such a good avenue for charities to explore, many charities have opted to hire folks to liaise directly with streamers for huge fundraising campaigns. We're joined by Jay, a charity Twitch streamer,...
Episode 177: Geek Interview with Demeternoth: Juggling Life as a Content Creator
We are joined by the one and only absolutely incredibly inspiring Demeternoth! She is a content creator and Twitch streamer, focussing on deep discussions and MMOs. We have a fantastic conversation about the trials and tribulations of content creation, what it's like...
Episode 176: Geek Herring & Chill: Birthdays and Vulnerable Questions
Join hosts Moni and Amanda as they celebrate Amanda's birthday with some of their favourite card game: Ask Deep Questions! These are the questions asked in this episode: What is the most memorable gift you've ever received? How do you motivate yourself? If you had to...
ATMOS: Holodeck Training Review
Geek Herring reviews ATMOS: Holodeck Training, an indie game by Persephone’s Chair. ATMOS is a cooperative, communicative space puzzle game.
Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You Review
Amanda reviews games: Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You, an indie game by Osmotic Studios. Orwell explores a dystopian future where the government spies on you.
The Lucid Chronicles: Orson Review
Amanda reviews books! The Lucid Chronicles: Orson is a brand new dystopian science fiction series by David J. Pearson.
Kathy Rain Review
Amanda reviews games: Kathy Rain is a point and click mystery adventure from Swedish developer, Clifftop Games.

A critical geek culture podcast for geeks everywhere focussed on female representation throughout geekdom. What fuels their passions, the experiences and challenges female geeks face, and way more awesome stuff! Join us to get critical about pop culture, learn from interviews with extraordinary geek girls, and celebrate (or boo!) geek girls in the news.

Geek Herring is for all the girls who grew up without strong geek role models to help them discover their geek dreams.
For everyone who’s ever been quizzed about their video game knowledge, because girls don’t play games.
Geek Herring is working to bring female identifying geeks into their prime. To be the role models, dreams, and voices.

Amanda & Monika are born geeks. After Gameboys and NES being their entry drugs it only went downwards from there. Together they tick every geeky thing on the spectrum: gamer girls, superhero fangirls, book worms, tech afficionados, crocheteers… the list is endless. Most of all they are passionate about women’s and human rights… So they took what they love, and taco ’bout it! 😉

Amanda Sloan
Warrior Queen of the Written Word
What do you get when you cross a degree in Medieval history, a serious Super Mario addiction, and an intense desire to crochet all the geeky things with someone who likes to talk, write, and tweet about all things geeky?
Amanda has been a geek pretty much since birth (Care Bears are geeky, right?!). When her parents bought her an original NES for her 5th birthday, she was hooked, playing Mario pretty much forever.
The video game love is real; Amanda would come home from school for lunch and play Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, go back to school to play Oregon Trail, and come home and play both some more. No wonder she loves geography and travel!
These days, she’s moved on from DOS games (just barely) and spreads her love across anything Robin Hobb has ever written, World of Warcraft, The Elder Scrolls franchise, coffee, and geek feminism.

Monika Rabensteiner
Fool of all Trades
As an Austrian, life isn’t easy. Everybody thinks you are jumping around fountains in Salzburg singing about Edelweiß, while actually, the opposite is true. With geeky tendencies early on in life, her parents quickly bought her all the consoles and gaming devices that were available (also probably to make her shut the f*** up XD).
A Gameboy at 7, the NES shortly after that followed by the Nintendo 64 and a Gamecube (Zelda Limited Edition y’all). Throw in a Nintendo DS and you get a Nintendo fangirl (her dog Yoshi is living proof of that). Lucky her also got a PC at 14 – Internet access included. So imagine her at 2 AM, hoping desperately that her sleeping parents don’t wake up from the calming sounds a 56k modem makes when it dials in. They never did! That’s why she can be here to tell the tale.
Nowadays you find her in Eorzea, streaming weird ass games on Twitch or geeking out about Captain Marvel.Â